E-book de receitas para confecção dos amigurumis fanart de Rhaenyra, Daenerys e Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower e Corlys Velaryon, de Game of Thrones/A Casa do Dragão.

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HOTD pattern bundle includes 5 PDF files: Rhaenyra, Daenerys and Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower and Corlys Velaryon.

  • Patterns in English;
  • Size: about 19cm (2.25 crochet hook);
  • Difficulty level: intermediate or advanced level.

International purchases: payment via PayPal

You must log in to buy the PDFs and download them. Access MY ACCOUNT (Minha Conta) >> DOWNLOADS to download them.

Note: The price is in Brazilian real (BRA). The currency is converted by PayPal to your local currency during the checkout. 




Este produto não se trata das peças prontas, mas dos arquivos em PDF para confecção dos amigurumis!

E-book A Casa do Dragão, que reúne padrões em PDF para confecção de 5 amigurumis fanarts de Rhaenyra, Daemon e Daenerys Targaryen, Alicent Hightower e Corlys Velaryon!

  • Padrões em português;
  • Em média 19-20cm (agulha 2,25mm);
  • Nível de dificuldade: intermediário e/ou avançado;
  • Receitas com vídeos de apoio e centenas de fotos.


These products aren’t dolls, but inspired amigurumi patterns to make them!

HODT pattern bundle: Rhaenyra, Daemon and Daenerys Targaryen, Alicent Hightower and Corlys Velaryon inspired amigurumi patterns.
You must log in to buy the PDFs and download them.

  • The patterns language is English;
  • PDFs contain detailed instructions to make the amigurumis;
  • Video tutorials and dozens of pictures to facilitate your work!
  • List of materials and stitches used;
  • Approximately 19cm (2.25mm crochet hook);
  • Patterns level: intermediate or advanced.

If you have doubts, you can contact me.

The patterns are for personal use only, which means it’s forbidden to share or to sell the PDFs.

The files will be available to download after the payment. Access MY ACCOUNT (Minha Conta) >> DOWNLOADS to download them.